I Finished my marathon in 3:28:06. I was 28th overall and second in my age group, granted there was only 170 people in the race and most of the runners were 35 and older which means I got trounced by a bunch of 40 year olds. For the complete break down see the results page here. The course went from Vista point above the damn, over the damn and onto some rail trail that ran for 11 miles. At mile 15 we hooked up to the River Trail, did one loop around and then finished at the Sundial Bridge. It really was a great course and the first 15 miles were absolutely stunning. Linz and Carter saw me twice during the race, as did Evan, Nance, Zach and Kelly, who caught me at great places along the river trail. Noah and Sarah caught me at mile 18.4--all were a huge encouragement--thanks guys, I could not have done it without you!