I Finished my marathon in 3:28:06. I was 28th overall and second in my age group, granted there was only 170 people in the race and most of the runners were 35 and older which means I got trounced by a bunch of 40 year olds. For the complete break down see the results page here. The course went from Vista point above the damn, over the damn and onto some rail trail that ran for 11 miles. At mile 15 we hooked up to the River Trail, did one loop around and then finished at the Sundial Bridge. It really was a great course and the first 15 miles were absolutely stunning. Linz and Carter saw me twice during the race, as did Evan, Nance, Zach and Kelly, who caught me at great places along the river trail. Noah and Sarah caught me at mile 18.4--all were a huge encouragement--thanks guys, I could not have done it without you!

The first 18 were a breeze and really fun. I met Mike from Washington DC (pictured below) in the first mile of the race, we ran together and chit-chatted till about mile twenty. He did his best to drag me along the last six but I just could not hang and he finished about 7 minutes ahead of me--great Guy--I would run with him again any day. Through that section our mile pace fluctuated between 7:15 and 7:30, a pace that put our finishing time around 3:15. The above picture is me feeling great at mile 15.

This pic is at 18.5. A mile and a half after this picture my pace dropped to somewhere in the nines and it was all I could do to run sub tens. At mile 22 my legs began to cramp severely and continued to cramp off and on till the finish. I have never felt anything like it. I became road kill for the more experienced old dudes and dudettes who whizzed by me at quickened pace, for they had run a young 24 year old into the ground and were proud of it.

Me at the finish where Linz, Carter, and great friends awaited. After the race, in an attempted to explain the pain, I equated the last four miles to the pain of birth, Linz laughed and said, "Not even close honey, but nice try."

Me and my new friend Mike--the camaraderie at these races is incredible.

A hug and a kiss never felt so good. Thanks all for your support.
I'm going to be honest here, I was really hoping you were going to run in a nice suit and tie while constantly shouting "I can't do a three o'clock today I've already got a 2:45 and a 3:15" into your bluetooth.
haha! that is funny zach...
anyway- congrats scott. looks like you had fun. looks like absolute torture to me but i am glad you did well!
we miss you guys..
and i agree with linz- not even close to childbirth
i'm very proud of you scott. its fun to see other people train for and complete marathons. also, your time was insane.
oh man. this is a feat that i choose never accomplish. so way to go! ps. cater looks like you in this photo. he is so big!
Way to go Scott! We had lots of fun watching you sweat and stuff. Round two next year?
You amaze me! Congrats! And I totally loved Zach's comment too!
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