I think it is safe to say that I am not alone when it comes to being confused about the current economic climate. How the passing of the bailout bill directly effects the stock market's rise and fall is beyond me. However, I do know that it does not directly effect me either. I believe that whatever those crazed lunatics in Washington decide to do has no effect on my economic standing. The only person that is responsible for that is me--the government does not exist to put Band-Aids on my boo boos--having the opportunity to make my own decisions and take responsibility for my own life is what makes America so great. If I manage my money correctly, without greed, and think before I invest I should be OK. Regardless I am the one who pulls the trigger, not the government. To believe that Washington can do something for you, that they will take care of you, is one of the most dangerous myths you can buy into, because the moment you believe that horse poo you begin a debilitating downward slide into the land of identity-stealing fear. The media wants you to be frightened--don't be! For more on this check out this amazing article by
Dave Ramsey, it will make you smile.

A final unrelated thought: debt is bad right? So why then is the government using debt to fix debt? That is fundamentally retarded--come on. This country is not in a credit crisis, it is in a debt crisis. This is part of a cyclical market and we are in a purging cycle. Anyone who can't hang on should fall off. Do you agree, or am I totally off my rocker.
was your comment a sneaky way for you to make fun of my bad teeth?
ps. I agree and you are mostly on your rocker
Here is something for you from my class. We had to respond to what that Enghal fellow said about Americans and the Nobel prize for Literature (It's all over the news) and then nominate an author past or present that we would nominate. This is a lady in my class said,
"Horace Engdahl had a good point when he said that Europe is still the literary center of the world. Here in the US, we read only for fun, at most. The books aren't difficult, and rarely have great meaning to them. However, this is only about America as a whole. A total of ten American authors have won the award since 1901, but England has won more awards than the entire Asian continent. There are many talented writers here in the states, and just because the rest of the country isn't as fascinated by good books as Europe, those writers still deserve to be acknowledged.
Thus, I nominate... no one. I cannot think of anyone who is still alive that truly deserves the award."
I responded thusly,
"You are allowed to nominate dead authors. On another topic, you say that Americans don't read difficult books or that the books don't have great meaning to them. That is preposterous. Several of my friends and I read classic literature, which is packed full of meaning and is difficult to read. Please don't speak in absolutes that are not true."
sorry for a huge comment
First of all, welcome.
Secondly, the bailout does affect you because that 700 billion dollars will be paid by taxpayers, and fluctuations in the stock market are a large factor in the price of everything and thus the cost of living in america. Also, if you are sick of being told to make your decisions out of fear maybe you should listen a little more closely to what your buddy Mccain says because everything that comes from his platform is fear based reasoning that he hopes will lead us to vote for him because he can take care of all that scarry shit.
On another note. The comments by enghal kind of piss me off. Yes american literature is inundated with popularist shit, but I believe that that term is synonomous with "best seller". We are a capitalistic society that bases success on marketability. Greatness can not be defined by economic value but this is not a problem that only affects America. Heck, the davinci code sold tens of milions of copies in europe too.
Andrew- You have a good point. Yes, the bail out does effect me in that sense, I am aware of how the bailout will be funded.
What frustrates me is the government meddling in the financial sectors affairs. My untrained and amateur opinion is that companies who can't stand should collapse and thus reform comes, not from the hand of the government, but from within the finical sector, out of necessity and survival.
The fact is that no one, democrat or republican, has a good plan and All are guilty of fear based reasoning and decision making because it is the easiest road to take.
Is it postmodern of me to agree with all of you...
aside from the tragic seriousness of the bailout discussion... i DID go to the dave ramsey site you have linked. and w/o thinking the first thing i looked for was...
the color of his shirt.
welcome to blogland. may all yr dreams come true.
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