For the past month or so Linz has been dying to feed carter something other than special milk from those special places. We let him suck on pieces of watermelon and cantaloupe fairly early. This may have been a mistake because ever since he has tasted these delicacies he has been really into food. If we are eating he is watching us eat, staring longingly at our steaming plates with a look that says "Whats the deal pops, hook me up with some of that delicious big kid grub." If only we could.
But alas, there is a science to feeding a five month old, a needed progression of carefully thought out substances. As the critically acclaimed book What to Expect the First Year states, "Before the gastronomic world can be a baby's oyster (or filet or lasagna) the land of bland must be conquered" And boy is it bland. We start Carter out on single grain rice cereal with Vitablocks (a nutrient blend for Baby's growth and development--hooray!) This stuff looks and tastes like cream of wheat without the flavor. "But Scott" you say, "cream of wheat has no flavor to begin with" exactly! Now imagine cream of wheat without those extra grains and that is precisely how bland Single grain rice cereal is.
Carter: "Oh boy, my first bite of real food, yippee!"

Mom: "Oh honey, aren't those Vitablocks so yummy. You want some more? I think you d0! Scott, are you taking pictures?"
Dad: "Yes tons"
Mom: "now take a video, make sure you get a video!"
Dad:"I got it, I got it. I'm totally gonna post this on my blog"
Carter: "Yah I'll give it another shot, maybe this time it will taste better. After all you guys look like you enjoy your food . . . uhh man, Is this an acquired taste?"

Needless to say, feeding Carter the first time was tons of fun. Liz and I were nearly rolling on the floor. If you don't have a kid go out and get one today as they are so fun!
Nice...the one picture looks like Carter is guiding the hand to his mouth as though he is helping you guys out. Good stuff. Hope Humbert Construction has been a sweet reunion for you.
Ya, I haven't worked with Heffe in over a year. We worked heard and had a lot of fun. It was a sweet reunion!
He looked so happy until he tasted it. Poor Carter :-(
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