Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I am in the Club

the sick club that is--Freaking Awesome. Compounded by the fact that I was out of town this past weekend doing some electrical work in the San Jose area. In all it was a great trip and I made some good money, but it was not fun being away from Carter and Linz for four nights. Linz would put the phone up to Carter's ear so I could talk to him. She said his eyes would light up and he would look around for me (he doesn't get the concept of a phone yet). I got in late last night, so this morning was the fist time he saw me. I picked him up out of bed to change him, he looked up and I watched his mind register the fact that it was me. He smiled really big as his whole body gesticulated in baby excitement. It was like he was saying "Dad, your home, I really missed you!" 


Anonymous said...

I too am a part of your club thanks to the germ infested students of Alta Mesa preschool. Unfortunately, David was welcomed to the club by default. I just saw your blog and have enjoyed the past ten minutes of reading the writing of Mr. Tyler!

Kim said...

You are blogging now too! Beware, it is addictive!

Tyler is part of the club as well. And he is many miles away. We don't want him to miss any of that fun so send him all of our germs on a fast current of California air!

Tell the fam hi!