Wednesday, November 19, 2008

French Press

Linz got me a French Press for my birthday a while back. Best gift ever! It creates the most amazing, silky, velvety, sensational coffee on the face of the planet and maybe even the entire universe. Angels visit me regularly and ask me for a cup. It pairs nicely with all the dark roasts from Sue's. So don't delay, go on and throw out those old, clunky, counter hogging machines and embrace this old style brewing as your way of the future. 
Could these pictures be any cooler? . . . I submit that they could not!


Lauren said...

remember how much we loved sues?
we found somewhere that made an even better brew! i know, i know...IMPOSSIBLE, right? nope...we need to send you some. give carter a kiss for me!

noah! said...

peanut butter and jelly in the same jar? can life get any better!?

David Nishizaki said...

Do you heat up the water on your stove?

pedronegro said...

nice sweater

scott J tyler said...

David- yes I heat the water up on the stove, I love that whistle out of the kettle. I will give you a cup any time.
Peter-I thought you might like the sweater. I still can't believe you gave it up, as it is so comfy and warm. I think of you every time i put it on.