Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pee-eew Human Poo

Two things have happened since we started feeding Carter substances that resemble big kid food: he has found his boy parts; and second, his poop now wreaks like the underworld if everybody in the fourth circle of hell moved their bowls at the same time. To the non-parent these two developments are seemingly unrelated, but think for just a second. Babies wear diapers all the time. The only time their diapers are off is when they are in the bath or being changed. As a result, the only time Carter can explore his new found toy (his penis) is when we are changing his diaper, the very diaper that is filled with the stench of the underworld and some thick gooey man poop to match. The kicker is that because of the new food Carter only poops like every other day (do not fear, this is not uncommon as some babies will go a week) the result is an epic blowout that covers every inch of his size three Huggies, including his little nuts. Congratulations to me, my son now has poop all over his hands and their headed straight for his mouth! 

                            Carter plays the bongo at the Gerzyinskie's house on Halloween 
Peas are a staple in the new diet and a main culprit in the creation of foul oder 


Kim said...

Loved the post. Also one more reason I was motivated to potty train all 3 kids by the age of 2! Now that is some serious poop.

He sure is adorable though :0)

zach harrison said...

you are disgusting.

The Hendriks Three said...

we miss you guys! A LOT!!!